Housing: There are many ways to beat this level. 6 pottery workshops, 6 oil workshops and 6 wine workshops should be sufficient to get maximum exports. Just take away the rubble and rebuild your clay pits.Įxports: You can sell oil, wine and pottery. As for clay pits collapsing there is nothing you can do about that. The gladiotor revolt will happen in 60BC so to avoid it just don't build any gladiotor schools. Gladiotor Revolt and Clay Pit Floodings: These are 2 new aspects of the game which you have never encountered yet. If you win you will recieve a beautiful triumphal arc and a 50 point favor bonus. Build all six forts so you can send him 3 forts (don't forget to build the military acamemy) as to defeat the enemies. Caesar will also requests troops for the first time. Later on in the mission he will request wine. Requests: Early on Caesar will request between 10-15 furniture. The first invasion is three years into the game but if you get the blessing of Mars you will have 6 years to set up your defenses. You can easily deal with the invasions (always less then 20 men) with some towers and 2 legions of Javelins and 1 legion of Cavalry). (each invasion point is close to a lake).

The location of the two invasion points are pretty obvious, Both are located in the small gaps between forests. There are 2 invasion points: The NorthWest and the SouthWest. Invasions: Your enemies will be the Etruscans who are not to much of a challenge. Build your palace block (if you want a palace block) somewhere in the middle of the map in between the farmland and the coast. As well, the northern part of the map is farthest away fromthe invasion points. This simplifies food distribution because your source of food (fish is very close to your housing). Where to build your city: It is best to build your entire city along the coast and feed them only fish. Expect the unexpected! As well, this is the first level where you will be able to build luxury palaces. There will be many new things to be expected. It has plenty of farmland and plenty of resources.

Valentia shouldn't be to much of a challenge. The streets when the time comes, then you can avoid the revolt altogether. Make sure there are no gladiator schools active, and no gladiators walking Gladiator revolt at the start of April 60BC. Etruscan invasion from west-north-west (3 warriors + 2 pikemen)Ĭarthago Nova now sells 25 fruit per yearĮtruscan invasion from west-south-west (5 warriors + 4 pikemen)Įtruscan invasion from west-north-west (5 warriors + 4 pikemen)Ĭarthago Nova now sells 40 fruit per yearĮtruscan invasion from west-south-west (8 warriors + 8 pikemen)Ĭlay pits become flooded occasionally.