These instructions are for MacOS X 10.13 (High Sierra), but the instructions for other recent versions of Mac OS X are similar. All of the software is freely available on the Web. This page tells you how to setup a Python programming environment for your Mac OS X computer and provides a step-by-step guide for creating and running a simple 'Hello, world' Python program. Python free download - Python, Python 3 Script Plugin for Xojo, FontLab, and many more programs. Latest Python 3 Release - Python 3.8.6 Latest Python 2 Release - Python 2.7.18 Stable Releases. Downloads Mac OS X Python Releases for Mac OS X. The official home of the Python Programming Language. We also continue to provide a 64-bit/32-bit variant that works on all versions of macOS from 10.6 (Snow Leopard) on. The default variant is 64-bit-only and works on macOS 10.9 (Mavericks) and later systems. For Python 3.7 releases, we provide two binary installer options for download. You can also use Python’s built-in pip tool. If you find you cannot install Mu because the computer you are using is locked down, you should try out PortaMu: a method of running Mu from a pendrive on Windows or OSX. The simplest is to download the official installer for Windows or Mac OSX.