As a result of installation, iPi Studio will be executed. In a previous post, Miguel Rosa Duque shows a round-trip of using Maya with Human IK to ipiSoft marker-less motion capture in a 5 part video series, showing how to use the iPi Mocap Studio with Maya Human IK here. Other components are included with iPi Mocap Studio setup. You can record a video using 1 or 2 MS Kinects right in your own home, webcams or digital cameras and have it converted to 3D animation with most 3D packages. IPi Desktop Motion Capture is a markerless motion capture system that really puts the ability to create and use motion capture data at the desktop level, making it simple enough and cheap enough for any one use really.

I import the mocap take file into Maya and retarget the animation to an actual character using HumanIK This video shows a simple test I did using mocap recorded with the iPi Mocap Studio. You will be prompted to enter your license key or start 30-days free trial period: For more info about license protection see License. Other components are included with iPi Mocap Studio setup. NET separately, and run it before iPi Mocap Studio setup. Check out Wes McDermott’s post for Maya HumanIK Mocap retarget with iPi Mocap Studio here. If needed, you can download offline installer for Microsoft. Wes McDermott shows his experimentation using iPi Soft’s iPi Motion Capture and a MS Kinect along side with Autodesk Maya’s retargeting tools to create and use a simple and marker-less motion capture system that can be used to create animation for human IK characters quite easily.